Tom, Chris and Alex have medium takes on Call of Duty: World War II, Assassin’s Creed: Origins, Dota 2 Turbo, and the industry’s latest travails.
Plus: getting the better of Satan, hopes for a hairy new Hitman, co-op jobs, Tuesday, impressing kids with chicken, bud motivation, and more.
Chris talks a bit about Dota 2 in this episode! If you’re one of the people who hate it when this happens, skip from 1:21:20 to 1:34:50. There are also spoilers for quite old PlayStation game Shadow of the Colossus from 1:50:25 to 1:51:20.
- Alex has been playing Call of Duty: World War II, an omnidirectional box of shoot war.
- Here’s that article about algorithmically-generated distrubing children’s YouTube cartoons.
- Tom is living his best life in Assassin’s Creed: Orangina.
- Oh boy you better believe that Chris is back on his Dota 2. You can also find Pip’s article about Dota 2 Turbo here.
- Listener Rahul emailed about rat maps, linking to this PC Gamer one: video here, file here.
- Here is Patrick Lenton’s Twitter thread about trying to do right by a dog in Skyrim.
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Chris Thursten
Alex Wiltshire
Tom Francis
Our intro music is by The Mandibles from their track Clambake. Many of the band members now tour as Count Bobo And The Bullion.