Tom S, Chris and Alex check in on VR, consider the gorgeous eggs of Final Fantasy XV, and ponder the literary aspirations of Beckett.
- Oculus’ critical Rift whoopsie has now been resolved.
- Here’s The Day Today’s remarkable foreshadowing of the experience of using Google Earth VR.
- Here’s Final Fantasy XV. And here’s the most important thing about Final Fantasy XV.
- Alex has been playing Beckett.
- We digress (imagine!) to discuss how great Thirty Flights of Loving is.
- Chris doesn’t have a GTX 1080. He has a GTX 980. That’s a hundred fewer graphics points! Sorry for lying.
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Tom Senior
Alex Wiltshire
Chris Thursten
Our intro music is by The Mandibles from their track Clambake. Many of the band members now tour as Count Bobo And The Bullion.