Both Toms, Graham and Marsh defy death in timeloop horror House, deal death in globetrotting trilogy Hitman, dodge death in smart shmup Bezier and become death in Death Crown. Also: streamlined space strat Slipways and the joy of City Guesser.
- It’s reverse-Hitman: House.
- Reverse-reverse-Hitman: 360 Hitman / Hitman III / Hitman 8 / World of Assassination Trilogy – Part 3: The Third.
- Brilliant shmup, now a lovely “bath game” for Switch, Bezier.
- Pared-down 1-bit horror tower defence/offence game, Death Crown.
- Love 2 Rotate The Things in The Room 4: Old Sins
- Turn people into happiness in excellent mini-space-strategy, Slipways.
- Find unexpected pleasure in the inane wittering of your fellow man in the superb City Guesser.
Microsoft Flight Simulator: now with Enhanced Wales
- Gorgeous platformer Ori and the Will of the Wisps
- Hollow Knight: also a dead nice platformer. A sequel, Silksong, is in the offing.
- Enjoy lunging with your ratty thief hands in the otherwise not very good Thi4f.
- Skuomorph this! Yes, it’s Highfleet‘s highly twiddly dashboard.
- Admire the fermented milk racks of Ghost of Tsushima.
- Behold the betentacled skulls of madmen in Bloodborne.
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Our intro music is by The Mandibles from their track Clambake. Many of the band members now tour as Count Bobo And The Bullion.