Marsh is joined by game dev and writer Jim Rossignol to discuss the grotesque tabletop roleplaying game they have made together. It’s called TEETH, it’s about occult criminality in a cursed corner of 18th century England, and it’s Kickstarting right now!
- Kickstart TEETH (if you like)!
- Watch our Kickstarter trailer at the link above or on Youtube for a quick catch-me-up on the game accompanied by some superb hurdy-gurdy music.
- Our last three mini-adventures, Night of the Hogmen, Blood Cotillion and Stranger & Stranger are on itch. Night of the Hogmen is even free.
- Symbaroum is the TTRPG set in a horrible forest that partly prompted this creation.
- Blades in the Dark is the TTRPG from which our rules are adapted.
- We list STALKER, Hound of the Baskervilles, Buffy, Hunt: Showdown, Blackadder, League of Gentlemen and Jane Austen as being among TEETH’s influences.
- Sathnam Sanghera’s revelatory Empireland informed some of the revolutionary aspects of the game.
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The Crate and Crowbar is kindly funded by our Patreon backers. If you’d like to know more about supporting our podcast and its spinoffs, click here.
Our intro music is by The Mandibles from their track Clambake. Many of the band members now tour as Count Bobo And The Bullion.