Chris and Marsh gather, along with unwelcome centipedes and a man who knows about doors, to discuss the cosy horror of fishing game Dredge, the most annoying hand of Marvel Snap and why STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order is crunchy like a biscuit but tastes like yoghurt.
- Dredge: fear the real ocean William
- Related fishy films: Bait, Enys Men, The Lighthouse
- Related fishy games: Sunless Sea, Sunless Skies and Return of the Obra Dinn
- Related cosy horror game: Strange Horticulture
- The Case of the Golden Idol, which I mistakenly call Curse of the Golden Idol because the idol in it is cursed. My apologies.
- A Nose is Information
- Marvel Snap
- Chris commits a Marvel Snap atrocity. (Speeded up for your sanity.)
- Obtain generalised feelings of goodwill in STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order , a game that definitely has a big rock cutting tool.
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Our intro music is by The Mandibles from their track Clambake. Many of the band members now tour as Count Bobo And The Bullion.